Специалност Кореистика е открита през 1995 г. и предлага три образователно-квалификационни степени – бакалавърска, магистърска и докторска.
Центърът по кореистика е открит през 2003 г. Той е построен по проект на специалността към СУ “Св. Климент Охридски” с финансовата подкрепа на Корейското правителство и KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), като е уникален не само за България, но и за Източна Европа като цяло. Прочети повече...
Библиотеката по кореистика съхранява около 3000 тома с монографии, сборници със статии и списания, които са на разположение на студентите и преподавателите.
В библиотеката могат да се ползват и всички книги, издадени от специалността, сред които преводи на корейска литература и корейски изследвания на български, монографии и научни сборници, сборници с доклади от конференции, които се провеждат всяка година от самото създаване на тази специалност в България. Прочети повече...
През пролетта на 2010 г. с решение на Академическия съвет на Софийския университет “Св. Климент Охридски” специалност Кореистика се обособява като самостоятелна катедра. В нея преподават седем щатни преподаватели (четирима от които хабилитирани), един гост-лектор от Република Корея, като някои дисциплини се водят от хонорувани преподаватели, включително докторанти кореисти. За повече информация виж сайта на СУ - http://www.uni-sofia.bg
Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University was established in 1995 for BA, MA and PhD students.
In spring 2010, the Academic Council of St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University has decided to establish Department of Korean Studies.
The goals and characteristics of the Korean Studies Program on BA level correspond with general requirements for philological education in the Republic of Bulgaria, and respectively in EU, as well as with the approved international criteria for Korean Studies Programs. BA degree holders in Korean Studies usually find careers in such social spheres as culture, economy, social policies. They are engaged as philologists, translators and interpreters from and to Korean. They are also involved as experts in the Bulgarian-Korean political, cultural and economic dialogue.
Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University also offers Master Program entitled “Society and Culture of Korea”. Graduate students in this Program receive in-depth knowledge in the field of Korean Studies. The focus is put on specific characteristics of the Korean history, society, culture, economy. Graduates have a high level of proficiency in Korean, great competence in political and cultural studies, history, sociology, economic, etc.
Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University also educates Ph D students.
In 2003, Center for Korean Studies was opened in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. This Center runs project and research activities.
In 2013, Sejong Institute was opened in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. Sejong Institute offers courses in Korean language and culture for general audience.
Prof. Ph D. Svetla Karteva-Dancheva – defended Ph D. dissertation in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University in the field of Altaic Linguistics and became associate professor in Comparative Altaic Linguistics, and full professor in Comparative Altaic and Korean literature and Culture. She delivers courses on Graphics, Phonetics and Lexicology of Korean Language, Morphology of Korean Language, Introduction to Korean and Altaic Linguistics, Socio-Linguistics, Theory of Translation, Shamanism in Korea and Central Asia, History and Culture of Nomad Tribes in Central Asia, etc.
Assoc. Prof. Ph D. Yanitsa Ivanova – graduated from Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. She defended Ph D. in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and delivers courses on Modern and Contemporary Korean Literature, Introduction to Korean Literature Theory, Spoken Korean Language, Computer Korean Language, etc.
Assoc. Prof. Ph D. Irina Sotirova – graduated from Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. She defended Ph D. in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and delivers courses on Korean Folklore, Sino-Korean Language, Spoken Korean Language, etc.
Assoc. Prof. Ph D. Yana Mancheva – graduated from Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. She defended Ph D. in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and delivers courses on Sino-Korean Language, Spoken Korean Language, Traditional Korean Musical Culture, Painting Art in Korea, etc.
Senior Lecturer Ph D Raina Beneva – graduated from Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. She defended Ph D. in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and delivers courses on Korea Area Studies, Spoken Korean Language, Korean Ritual Folklore, etc.
Senior Lecturer Ph D. Miroslava Zaburtova – graduated from Korean Studies Program in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. She defended Ph D. in St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and delivers courses on Syntax of Korean Language, Spoken Korean Language, Multimedia and Korean Language, etc.
Senior Researcher Ph D. So Young Kim is guest-lecturer from the Republic of Korea. She delivers courses on Spoken Korean Language, Traditional Korean Music “Samulnori”, Korean Theather etc.
Korean Studies Program stimulates and supports research and creative activities of the students, as well as their participation in international academic projects.
Korean Studies Program boasts Seminar Library, which has several thousand books on Korean Studies.
Excellent students have unique chance to stay in Korean universities through exchange programs.